Welcome to the Southington Land Trust

We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1973 that seeks to preserve nature in our community.

New members welcome! Learn more

Next Meeting:
Thursday, March 20, 2025,
at the Southington Land Trust Office, 76 North Main Street, entrance in back. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m.

The Little Free Native Seed Library is back in the library in a mini version. It is on the second floor, bear right at the reference desk. The best way to grow most native perennial plants is by sowing the seeds NOW. There is info on an easy way to do this in the seed library. Happy growing everyone!

We’re excited to introduce Saige, our newest teen volunteer at the Southington Land Trust! As part of a school project, Saige is dedicating her time and energy to making a difference with us. Her passion for the environment, helping others, and eagerness to learn make Saige a great addition to our team.

Please join us in welcoming Saige on her journey!

Saige clearing the Pollinator Pathway

Hi, I’m Saige, a teenage girl who decided to start my first blog to document my volunteer service assignments. I volunteer at the Southington Land Trust, a non-profit organization where the community comes together to help conserve land.

My first volunteer assignment was weeding the Linear Park – Rails To Trails in Southington.

Saige clearing out the cut branches

It’s Saige again, and this time I volunteered with the Southington Land Trust at one of their properties, the Niles and Linnea Johnson Family Wildlife Sanctuary. This land is the remaining portion of the Johnson family farm, part of which was taken during the…


May 31, 2025: Nature Day!

June 7, 2025: Trails Day Hike – Learn more/Sign up


Southington Land Conservation Trust has acquired 60-acre parcel on Welch Road, donated by Mark Lovley and Lovley Development. READ MORE

Welch Property