by Southington Land Trust | Nature of the Month
During the summer you might see a large brownish bird on your lawn or on the edge of the road. The Northern Flicker is a woodpecker, but ants are their preferred food. Their plumage, both male and female is subtle and beautiful. Patterns everywhere you look with...
by Southington Land Trust | Nature of the Month
Most all of us are familiar with Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii) and because of it’s name think it is a good plant for pollinators; truth is it is a non-native species from Asia, considered invasive in at least 20 states. While it does provide nectar for adult...
by Southington Land Trust | Nature of the Month
By July, most of our backyard nesters are finished, or almost finished raising their young. Not the prolific and energetic little house wren. This little guy sometimes raises three broods or more! He sings his bubbly cheerful song all day long. House wrens nest in...
by Southington Land Trust | Animals, Living in CT, Seasons
Brake For Turtles! Each year at this time female turtles leave the water to lay eggs. In many places around Southington this involves crossing roads and many are killed. Please be alert while driving during the next few weeks for turtles crossing the road. You can...