Southington Land Trust Dedicates Bog

Biologist Bob Kuchta and Southington Land Trust president, Al Fiorillo
On May 14 the Land Trust held its annual dinner meeting at Spartans II restaurant with guest speaker Bob Kuchta. Bob spoke about the amazing geography right here in Southington, namely the kettle bog on the Tomasso property. Bob discovered the bog, also called a fen, from the ridge on the western side of town when he was a boy, hiking with his brothers. He spent some time trying to find out what caused the unusual arrangement of trees he was seeing. Kettle bogs became a lifelong interest for him. He even wrote his Master’s thesis on the bog which is now a Land Trust property.
To honor his lifelong protection of the fen, land trust members had the name officially changed to the Kuchta Family Fen. Al Fiorillo, our president, presented a plaque commemorating the naming and thanking Bob and his family for decades of protecting the fen.
An election of officers was also held at the dinner for the new fiscal year. Al will continue as president, John Fusari will be the new vice president. Irene Murray continues as secretary and Dan Nardini continues as treasurer.