Protect Wildlife and Their Habitat

Protect Wildlife and Their Habitat


  • Support local & regional efforts to protect natural habitats and wildlife corridors (like the Southington Land Trust!)
  • Teach children respect for wildlife and wildlife habitats
  • Volunteer at your local nature centers and wildlife sanctuaries
  • Watch for wildlife when driving, especially at dawn and dusk. Remember, when one animal crosses, another may follow closely behind
  • Pick up trash during hikes
  • Buy local foods and goods
  • Buy organically grown produce to reduce pesticide runoff
I Brake for Turtles!

I Brake for Turtles!

Brake For Turtles! Each year at this time female turtles leave the water to lay eggs.  In many places around Southington this involves crossing roads and many are killed.

Please be alert while driving during the next few weeks for turtles crossing the road.  You can help the turtle in the direction it is going if it is safe to do so.  Beware of snapping turtles though, they may not appreciate the help.  They will bite and have surprisingly long necks.