What are you doing with your leaves?

What are you doing with your leaves?

leaves-wideAutumn leaves are everywhere.

The question is what are you doing with your leaves? Are you dumping them on the open space or pond behind or alongside your property?

Wrong. All leaves should be taken to the curb in front or along side of your home.

We, as Southington residents, are very fortunate to have free leaf pickup, and the schedule will be printed in the local paper.

If, for some reason, you do not make the deadline for leaf pickup in your neighborhood, leaves can be bagged and taken to the landfill on Old Turnpike Road.

Remember, you must empty the bags and take them home with you.

If you have a lawn service please let them know that your leaves should be put at the curb and not dumped behind or alongside your home.

There are no exceptions. You, as the homeowner, are responsible to advise those you employ.

Carol A. Langley,  Southington Resident/SLCT Member

I Brake for Turtles!

I Brake for Turtles!

Brake For Turtles! Each year at this time female turtles leave the water to lay eggs.  In many places around Southington this involves crossing roads and many are killed.

Please be alert while driving during the next few weeks for turtles crossing the road.  You can help the turtle in the direction it is going if it is safe to do so.  Beware of snapping turtles though, they may not appreciate the help.  They will bite and have surprisingly long necks.

Earth Day 2015

Earth Day 2015

In honor of Earth Day, the Southington Land Trust volunteers donated their time and effort to help clean up portions of Southington’s Rails to Trails. Clean up consisted of picking up garbage, weeding out invasives and raking up brush. Thank you also to those who showed their appreciation as they passed by and those who joined our efforts!