The question is what are you doing with your leaves? Are you dumping them on the open space or pond behind or alongside your property?
Wrong. All leaves should be taken to the curb in front or along side of your home.
We, as Southington residents, are very fortunate to have free leaf pickup, and the schedule will be printed in the local paper.
If, for some reason, you do not make the deadline for leaf pickup in your neighborhood, leaves can be bagged and taken to the landfill on Old Turnpike Road.
Remember, you must empty the bags and take them home with you.
If you have a lawn service please let them know that your leaves should be put at the curb and not dumped behind or alongside your home.
There are no exceptions. You, as the homeowner, are responsible to advise those you employ.
Carol A. Langley, Southington Resident/SLCT Member
hi the leaf pickup this year is not feasible
it is nov 15 and the leaves are still on the trees
are you going to have a extra pickup for everyone this year
phyllis andreas
Hi Phyllis. Thanks for reaching out. We are not involved with the leaf pickup as we are a non-profit organization in town and not a department of the Town of Southington. If the town does not extend the deadline, the alternative would be to bag the leaves and bring them to the landfill on Old Turnpike Road.