Become a Member!

We would love for you and your family to join our organization. Anyone can become a member. There is always something to do that gets us outside and moving! Our Next meeting is Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. at the Southington Land Trust Office, 76 North Main Street, entrance in back. 

It’s only $20 to become a member! That’s it! Your annual membership donation goes towards property maintenance, education, community events, and an investment in the future of conserved land in our town. Click below to join.

Membership includes:

    • Guided hikes
    • Access to all 8 of our properties; some including marked trails, ponds for kayaking, rare geological formations, and native wildlife & plants
    • Work parties which include weeding, planting, mulching, chopping
    • Opportunities to assist with marketing, event planning, educational events, grant writing
    • Collaboration with likeminded people in your community
    • Voting rights at meetings, including the annual dinner
Renew Your Membership

Your commitment can be as hands on or hands off as you choose, but being a member grants you the opportunity to get more involved with our dedicated group of conservationists.

Members are invited to attend monthly meetings at the SLCT headquarters at 76 N Main Street on the 3rd Thursday of each month, but meeting attendance is not mandatory.

The Southington Land Trust Board:

Board Officers:

President: Val Guarino
Vice-President: Stan Prushinski
Secretary: Sabraé Boisvert
Treasurer: Shari Guarino

Board Members:

Bill Knoegel
Carol Langley
Alissa Nelson
Sarah Solarz
Joy VanderLek