- Support local & regional efforts to protect natural habitats and wildlife corridors (like the Southington Land Trust!)
- Teach children respect for wildlife and wildlife habitats
- Volunteer at your local nature centers and wildlife sanctuaries
- Watch for wildlife when driving, especially at dawn and dusk. Remember, when one animal crosses, another may follow closely behind
- Pick up trash during hikes
- Buy local foods and goods
- Buy organically grown produce to reduce pesticide runoff
I am disheartened with the lack of enthusiasm within the town of Southington over the fencing off of land by Roger’s Orchard here in Southington. I feel this is an infringement on all wildlife that is already restricted by land developers. Living in the Ragged Mountain area I see that Roger’s is planning on fencing off more acreage of their orchards. For over 200 years this firm found it unnecessary to erect fences around their fruit trees. Now that Grant money is available, Roger’s finds it advantageous to tap funds for more fencing. Perhaps Roger’s feels that wildlife doesn’t need free roaming land to sustain a quality of life necessary for
their existence. I say to the Roger’s family, tear down your fences. I say to the Southington Land Trust and the Town of Southington: how is wildlife protected by allowing Roger’s Orchard to continue erecting barriers restricting our wildlife?
We understand your concern for the wildlife’s free access to that area. However, Roger’s Orchard is a longstanding business protecting their produce and livelihood, which they have every right to do. We don’t believe it violates any regulations at this time. We do our best to educate and protect and preserve, but of course Roger’s Orchard has certain rights as well. We suggest you contact them directly with your concerns that it might foster a compromise with the matter.